Friday, November 14, 2008

Commentary on The Politics of Education by Julie

I really enjoyed reading your article due to the real information that you provided. Thank you for generously bringing up the often overlooked, however very important issue of U.S education. Education is very important. We all need something to challenge us and provide an outlet for gaining knowledge. I agree that it is ridiculous that the media provides the audience with frivolous celebrity news on Sarah Palin’s spending spree, and Obama's relations instead of providing vital information on the candidates policies. Regarding your observation of the loss of potential teachers due to poor salary, I totally agree. From middle school on up I have heard from teachers themselves say they don't make a lot of money, and thought that it must be some joke. To spend all day teaching, and inspiring the most non-responsive students is to me heroic, and should garner the same pay as say, a fireman’s' salary. Its certainly about time that a presidential candidate, like Obama provides monetary incentives to potential teachers and offers incentives for established teachers also. Good for you to expose the quite opposite McCain plan that offers little for under privileged children and offers more for the already privileged children. How is that going to help the overall population meet educational goals? Your article helped to further solidify my hope for the educational opportunity's that president Obama will offer the U.S.